My projects

Discover some of the previous projects I have worked on.

Cosmic Themes

Blazing fast website templates crafted with Astro and Tailwind CSS. Cosmic Themes are designed to be easy to use, easy to customize, and easy to deploy. They feature swapable sections and components, built-in image optimization, SEO, free updates, and more. Built with Astro, Tailwind CSS, and TypeScript.

My Website

Portfolio and blog website for myself. Integrates a contact form using Netlify functions and SendGrid, and Mailchimp newsletter signup. The blog uses markdown and MDX. Created with Astro, SolidJS, Tailwind CSS, AOS, and anime.js. Lighthouse scores of 100 across the board.

Encouraged Learner

Blog and newsletter website for a small business. Integrates with MailerLite for newsletter signups and email campaigns. Uses TinaCMS for content management and Astro for static site generation. This allows the owner to easily update the website without having to learn HTML or CSS.

Manage Landing Page

Code challenge from Frontend Mentor. This is a Landing page for a fictional company. The challenge was to build out the project to the designs provided. Created with Astro, React, Tailwind CSS, and the Swiper library.

Contact Me

Have a project? I'm available for freelance work